Commercial Painting
interior & exterior commercial painters
If you want to refresh your business’s dull, dated storefront or interior walls, Paint Rx has a team of commercial painting specialists standing by to get the job done – on time and on budget. Because we know how important it is to have minimal disruptions to your work schedule during operating hours, your clients, and your bottom line.
Backed by decades of experience, our crew of commercial painters sets the standard in Myrtle Beach and Charleston areas with their superior workmanship. You want the look and style of your business to reflect your service and reputation. Not only will the results improve the curb appeal and boost the visual appeal of your company’s brand, but it will also better protect the building from the weather elements outside and the high traffic areas and abuse indoors to extend the life and value of the property.
On top of that, a fresh coat of paint will make your business stand out from the competition! To accomplish this, we use the highest quality paints from Sherwin-Williams, Benjamin Moore, and PPG.
Some of the types of interior and exterior commercial clients we serve include:
- Retail stores
- Office buildings
- Condo and apartment complexes
- Hotels and resorts
- Homeowners associations
- Factories
- Warehouses
Contact us today for a free estimate on your next painting project!